Mon - Fri
9AM - 4PM

Phone: 908 371-9660
Emergency: 908 369-4323

302 Towne Centre Drive
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

PO Box 5909
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Safety First

The Township of Hillsborough Municipal Utilities Authority, (the “Authority”), is a member of the New Jersey Utility Authority Joint Insurance Fund, (the “JIF”). The Authority was one of the charter members when the JIF was created. As a charter member of the JIF Safety Committee, the committee introduced a Safety Incentive Program and developed a Safety Manual for its membership designed to assist in compliance with all required and recommended safety trainings.

Since the inception of the Safety Incentive Program in 1990, the Authority has continually maintained a perfect score of 100 points. In addition, over the past 20 years as members of the JIF, the Authority has recorded 19 years, 18 consecutive years, without a lost time accident.

An intricate part of the Authority’s routine maintenance of the sanitary sewer facilities, requires our employees’ to enter multiple Confined Spaces on a daily basis. A Confined Space is defined as a space that has limited or restricted means of entry or exit and is not designed or configured for continuous occupancy, i.e., manholes and pumping station wet and dry wells. The Authority has an in-house Confined Space Entry Rescue Team trained and equipped for emergency extraction of injured employees from a confined space.

As a Municipal Utility, the Authority is governed by the safety requirements/regulations of the Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Program, (PEOSH). Our employees are trained annually in 18 different required and /or recommended safety venues.

The Authority is very proud of its’ exemplary safety record while it continually strives to protect and maintain the safety and well being of its’ employees and the residents of the Township of Hillsborough.